Church Road, Liverpool, L13 2BA  •  0151 228 4137  •  Email Us

School Uniform

The wearing of school uniform helps the pupils establish a sense of identity with specific groups of people; furthermore conforming to school uniform regulations helps sustain the principle of self-discipline. Parents are asked to make every effort to ensure that the correct uniform is worn on all school occasions by all children from Nursery to KS2. Well presented, smart children feel good; they enjoy being in school and work well. 

Please let us know if providing a school uniform is a challenge for you and your family.

We are always willing and able to help.

Nearly New Uniform

Items of clean, nearly new uniform are displayed at the front of school, every other Tuesday. Parents are warmly invited to take any items, free of charge. 

2YO, Nursery & Reception Uniform

White polo shirt
Royal blue jogging bottoms (black shorts in the summer)
Royal blue sweatshirt top with Foundation logo
Black school shoes (with velcro) or ALL black training shoes (with velcro)

Y1 – Y6 Winter Girls Uniform

Royal blue tartan kilt
Royal blue jumper or cardigan with school logo
White shirt
School tie
White socks or black tights
Black school shoes or ALL black training shoes

Y1 – Y6 Summer Girls Uniform

Royal blue gingham summer dress
Royal blue jumper or cardigan with school logo
White socks
Black school shoes or ALL black training shoes

Y1 – Y6 Winter Boys Uniform

Black Trousers
Royal blue jumper with school logo
White shirt
School tie
Grey or black socks
Black school shoes or ALL black training shoes

Y1 – Y6 Summer Boys Uniform

Black shorts (optional) or black trousers
Royal blue jumper with school logo
White polo shirt
Grey or black socks
Black school shoes or ALL black training shoes

PE Kit

Black shorts
Royal Blue T.shirt with school logo
Black tracksuit Jacket with school logo (optional)
Black tracksuit trousers (optional)
Training shoes or pumps

School Coat

Black coat with school logo (optional)

Other Items

Jewellery must not be worn for health and safety reasons. If your child comes to school with earrings in, they will be offered microporous tape (breathable & low allergy) to cover them up in order to reduce the risk of injuries occurring.

If hair is longer than collar length, it must be tied back (girls and boys).

Training shoes (other than all black training shoes) may be worn at play time and dinner time, but must not be worn during class time.


Year 6 access swimming lessons in the autumn term of the school year. An appropriate costume and towel are needed; all pupils (with long hair) are required to wear a swimming cap and where appropriate, googles can be worn.

PE and Swimming are essential parts of the curriculum; if children are voluntarily withdrawn from the PE curriculum, it may be very difficult to make other arrangements for supervision.

If your child attends school without the appropriate swimming kit; we will contact you and ask that you make arrangement to ensure that your child has the kit required.

Movement and Dance

These are taken in the school hall/gymnasium in bare feet to obtain a surer grip on both the floor and apparatus. Pumps may be worn only for medical reasons when notified by parents.

School Uniform Grants

Unfortunately Liverpool City Council can no longer offer grants towards school uniform.

Purchasing School Uniform

General items of school uniform that do not require the school logo can be purchased more widely for example in local supermarkets or discount clothing stores.

School Uniform can be purchased at:

Swan School Wear
13 Broad Green Road,
L13 5SD
Telephone: 0151 228 9000
Laser Schoolwear
46 St. Mary’s Road,
L19 2JD
Telephone: 0151 494 9455
Laser Schoolwear
599 West Derby Road,
L13 8AE
Telephone: 0151 228 8800

Purchasing of School PE kits & School Coats
Telephone: 08009702192