English-measles-don_t-let-your-child-catch-it-flyer-school-Jan23 MMR Parents letter May 23 (002)
Dear Parent or Carer
Make sure your child is protected against measles
Cases of measles are on the rise in the UK. Measles outbreaks happen when not enough
children have been immunised. Measles can be a very serious disease, leading to ear and chest infections, fits, diarrhoea and damage to the brain. Measles can kill.
Your child is at risk of measles if they haven’t had their MMR immunisations.
Two doses of MMR are needed to get the best protection. The first dose is given at 1 year and the second dose is given at around 3 years and 4 months, before starting school.
Speak to your GP practice to get your child immunised if they have not had both doses of MMR – no matter what age they are. If you can’t remember what they have had, check the Red Book. If this doesn’t help, speak to your GP practice.
To find out more, see: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/mmr-vaccine/
Thank you
Professor Matthew Ashton
Director of Public Health Liverpool