Our Mission StatementAs missionaries of our faith, our school community strives to embody the Christian values of St Cuthbert sharing in humility, spirituality, tolerance and kindness. |
School MottoIn Love with Christ: |
I would like to extend a warm welcome to you. Thank you for visiting our website, which I hope provides a window into our wonderful school.
St Cuthbert’s Catholic Primary School is supported by strong partnerships with our federated school -St Sebastian’s Catholic Primary School, the Archdiocese of Liverpool, Liverpool City Council and the Parishes of St Oswald’s and St Sebastian’s. We are grateful to have an experienced Governing Body that guides and challenges the work of our school and wants only the very best for our children, families and staff.
The safeguarding of our children, families and staff is paramount. We fully understand and acknowledge that our children will only flourish if they feel safe and secure. We commit ourselves to ensuring that our school is a happy, nurturing place to be and safeguarding for all is our highest priority.
Our Mission Statement and School Motto encapsulate what we aim to achieve at our school. As a Catholic school, we place Christ at the centre of our learning and we encourage our children to be the best that they can possibly be as they grow and learn together. The Gospel values and Catholic virtues of friendship, responsibility, respect, self-respect, honesty, forgiveness, tolerance, justice, compassion, patience, generosity, empathy and tolerance are the golden threads that run through all of our teaching and all of our relationships.
We uphold and teach our children about British Values such as democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs. We promote these values by our words and deeds; through daily acts of worship and by serving others, which we do with an open heart.
Our school is inclusive and our fundamental belief is that each child is unique and made in the image of God. We pride ourselves in forming extremely strong partnerships with parents and carers to ensure each child flourishes during their journey with us.
We have a broad and balanced curriculum that both engages and challenges our children so they achieve and become enthusiastic, independent, lifelong learners. Our school curriculum is bespoke to our children, and their needs. They are supported in raising their aspirations, in developing their resilience and assisted in developing into well-rounded individuals by the time they end their primary school journey.
At our school, reading is a huge priority for us as we acknowledge that learning to read fluently and developing a love of reading opens up the curriculum, the world around us and improves our children’s life chances in the long term. Our curriculum is extremely well planned and is taught by a highly skilled and dedicated team of staff.
We work hard to invest in the development of the whole child and we go to great lengths to ensure that our children have access to the wide range of sporting, creative and academic enrichment opportunities that are available to them. They are either offered without cost or are subsidised – ensuring that the interests of every child are valued and opportunities provided to allow them to develop their God-given talents. We work in close partnership with parents and carers to support every child’s personal development alongside their spiritual, emotional and physical growth.
I am extremely proud to be the Head Teacher of a school that is the beating heart of its community. A school where all who enter feel welcome, safe, supported, cared for and loved.
Please take some time to explore our website to find out more about our school and follow us on X for regular updates about all the exciting things that happen @StCuthbertsPri
Mrs Bellis-Knox
Head Teacher