Church Road, Liverpool, L13 2BA  •  0151 228 4137  •  Email Us

Admissions Policies

Download: Admissions Policy 2026 – 2027 [PDF]

Download: Admissions Policy 2025-2026 [PDF]

Download: Admission Policy 2024 – 2025 [PDF]

Download: Supplementary Faith Form [PDF]

Reception Admissions – September 2026

Polite reminder to parents applying for Reception places at St Cuthbert’s Catholic Primary School for September 2026.

The closing date for applications is 15th January 2026. Any queries after this date, please contact the admissions team:  0151 233 3006

Please follow this link to apply:

Parents are reminded that for applications to be considered under the Catholic faith criteria, there is a requirement for your child’s baptism to have taken place by this date also. Please take prompt action if you wish for your child to be baptised by contacting your parish office.

Liverpool Archdiocese facilitate the appeals process on behalf of Catholic schools.

Appeals for normal year of entry (Reception and Year 7) are arranged each year generally according to the following timetable. The dates may vary depending on whether the offer date falls on a weekend and may also differ slightly from those given by each of the Local Authorities:

Primary Offer date: 16th April 2026
Appeals to be lodged by: To be confirmed by the Archdiocese
Appeals to be heard by: To be confirmed by the Archdiocese

Appeals will be heard as soon as reasonably practicable following the appeal deadline.

Further information for organising and hearing admission appeals can be located on the Archdiocese of Liverpool website:  Archdiocese of Liverpool Admissions & Appeals

If you are applying for a place at St Cuthbert’s Catholic Primary School, we ask that you complete a Supplementary Faith Request Form [PDF] which is to be returned to school via email: or by post:

St Cuthbert’s Catholic Primary School
30 Church Road
L13 2BA

Please give details of your child’s baptism on this form and return to school by the 15th January 2024 for your application to be ranked correctly. For those children baptised in St Sebastian’s or St Oswald’s church, you should state the approximate date of baptism and the parish records will be checked. Please attach a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate if your child was baptised in another parish. If you have any queries, please contact the school office by:

Phone: 0151 228 4137
or Dojo.

Please do not hesitate to contact Donna Radburn if you require any further information.